Ccecoin (CCE)

Peer-to-Peer Trading Ecosystem

Review Score
ICO Price
0.052306 USD
0.0003 ETH
Pre ICO Price
0.052306 USD
0.0003 ETH
Soft Cap
3,000,000 USD
Hard Cap
10,000,000 USD
Pre ICO Start Date
1 October 2018
Pre ICO End Date
31 October 2018
Start Date
1 November 2018
End Date
30 November 2018

What is Ccecoin?

There are now thousands of tokens listed on numerous worldwide exchanges, however, after initial ICOs (initial coin offers), very few tokens are supported by an underlying ecosystem, or related trading platform – specifically facilitating and promoting the use of such tokens as a medium of exchange. Our goal, right from the commencement of the CCECOIN project, has been to create a trading platform using blockchain technology, whereby the CCECOIN is actively promoted and used for trading purposes within our own ecosystem.

CCE Ecosystem Limited(“CCE”), the company registered in Hong Kong, that has developed the CCECOIN, has a divergent range of investments and business interests, largely situated throughout the Southeast Asia region, and has worked at both the government level, and with assorted business associations throughout the region. A key area of the development of the CCE business network is to encourage and foster continued business growth throughout the Southeast Asia region by implementing a trading network between local vendors and assorted clients.

CCECOINS facilitate trades between vendors and buyers, reducing the cost of trade and ensuring efficient handling of payments. But, more than just providing general support for business growth throughout the region and facilitating trades with CCECOIN, CCE is actively developing an extensive community of buyers and sellers by implementing a direct sales model in specific luxury food markets – further reducing the cost of the supply chain. Buyers and sellers can buy and sell on the blockchain in a transparent and open manner within the CCE ecosystem – a trading system utilizing the CCECOIN – soon to be promoted within the region.

Two lucrative business sectors in the Southeast Asia region, that have an unmet demand, are those businesses operating both within the exotic durian fruit growers market, and the area of the supply of bird nests – a luxury edible product, highly sought after by the wealthy situated throughout China, and associated regions. These products are sold on the luxury markets throughout Asia and provide significant opportunities for CCE. CCE is actively building a community of buyers and sellers within the area of these closed-market high-value items using the CCE token to assist buyers to directly trade with durian farmers and bird nest harvesters; bringing enhanced value to local markets, promoting growth, and solidifying the CCECOIN as the preferred medium of exchange.

CCE has established the CCE International Durian Lover’s Club, and has interests in vertical food farming, which provides a healthy source of income for CCE. This income is also complimented by CCE’s further streams of revenue earned through interests in energy derivatives and interests in oil and petroleum products. CCE invests 10% of annual profits into a reserve to enhance the value of the CCECOIN. A further 10% of CCE profit is allocated to charity activities which involve the growth of decentralized dialysis centres; based in the local countries where club members and member merchants reside. We value and support local communities and intend for CCE to evolve into a strong trading medium with a high public acceptance rating. The number of CCECOINs issued is finite.

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