What is Allchain?
ALLCHAIN Block Chain is different from the Block Chain project in the market, ALLCHAIN project is based on traditional manufacturing revolution, dedicated to the development of Block Chain data intelligent manufacturing industry 4.0. Although the industrial development so far can be mechanized, informational manufactured. But mechanization is only the way to use the electricity or the other power to manipulate machinery and equipment to replace the manual labor to produce. Using the mechanical equipment but still need manual or animal labor to promote the production, which is “semi-mechanized”. Assembly line production refers to the working object in accordance with the scheduled process sequenced, unified speed, continuously through the various workplace to complete the corresponding processing of a form of production organization. The informational of traditional manufacturing is only remain on pure production transaction, rather than to make the information become a productive tool. ALLCHAIN combined Internet of things(IOT), Near Field Communication(NFC), Data technology(DT), Artificial Intelligence(AI), Block Chain(BC) all together to a perfect combination. It will makes the data intelligent production a reality, the production will decided by users, not the industry anymore. It will makes a ecological platform that customers drive the manufacturing industry directly. Please play your imagination, the future of all your needs, ALLCHAIN can be tailored for you.