What is August927?
August 927 is a decentralized funding source for start-up ICOs and Blockchain companies in various stages of growth. In past efforts of ICO funding, the most significant difficulties have come from how individual investors find the markets that have the potential for success, and how can the integrity of ICOs marketed and verified. The answer lies in the overall concept of Market Value Assurance. This is the primary asset and focus of August 927. With so many ICO coins ending up with no market value, our hand selected 100 Ambassador Team’s goal is to put the fair market value and investor’s trust back to the hands of the experts.
Assuring Market Value means that an intermediary, say August 927 conduct the due diligence phase and vetting process In this phase, the assessment of the expected value of the ICO can be supported by complete evaluation of the principles, methodology, transparency and integrity that the investigation phase August 927 determines. Additionally, Additionally, such is undertaken with the objectivity that an impartial third party can bring to the table. August 927 has the capability to underscore the subtle but important differences between an ICO’s capacity to create a valuable ICO through correct operational choices and valid strategies. In this perspective, we plan to implement new methodologies to bring strategy back into the ICO’s performance measures using our decentralized ICO funding source.