autoXchange (AXC)

Global Automotive Marketplace

Review Score
ICO Price
0.03 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
23,000,000 USD
Start Date
1 October 2018
End Date
30 April 2019

What is autoXchange?


Through autoXchange private vehicle owners and dealers can carry out the entire sales process, from sales and marketing to the signing of finance agreements. autoXchange removes the middlemen and all associated fees. Utilising blockchain technology, autoXchange will create and use the aXc decentralised ledger to store the vehicle history and facilitate transactions using the aXc native token so that all sales are transparent and secure. Through the additional use of smart contracts, aXc token holders will be able to provide P2P car financing and pool aXc tokens with other holders to invest as a community. The decentralized aXc ledger is the engine that regulates all transactions and relationships between all entities. The aXc ledger will keep a record of transactions and vehicle providence, regulating these through transparent and effective smart contracts. As an open source project, the aXc ledger will be free to use by any 3rd party marketplace or application. This will enable market adoption of aXc resulting in increased usage of the aXc token worldwide.

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