Beam Wallet (BEAM)

The Future of Tokenization is for Everyone!

Review Score
ICO Price
0.08 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
20000000 USD
Hard Cap
40000000 USD
Start Date
20 June 2024
End Date
20 December 2024

What is Beam Wallet?

BEAM represents a state-of-the-art mobile payment app, providing users with a convenient and secure platform for conducting transactions, overseeing loyalty programs, and accessing exclusive deals, all within the convenience of their smartphones. Instant cashback rewards are applicable across all BEAM-affiliated retailers, both online and offline. The app is readily available for free download on both the Apple Store and Play Store, having garnered considerable consumer rewards for renowned brands like Carrefour, Calvin Klein, Costa Coffee, Tommy Hilfiger, and numerous others.

The BEAM Token is a cutting-edge digital asset built on the principles of decentralization, security, and scalability. Powered by the Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20) is designed to have maximum liquidity and should appreciate in value significantly as the Beam Platform scales. The BEAM token sale will provide resources for expanding, improving, and growing the Beam Platform. Holders of BEAM tokens are provided instant liquidity, meaning they are free to exchange their tokens whenever necessary.

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