What is BeANKH?
How does immutability translate into human mortality. Does this mean that if we are able to change the constant state of the part of life we refer to as death – are we are able to change the things which occur both leading up to death (the conditions) and what possibly may occur after death occurs? For that matter, can we change or alter the very existence of or constancy of death itself?
We at BeANKH aspired to develop an approach based on Blockchain technology to save the individual human ersonalities securely on a blockchain. After years of research and development we believe we identified an approach to transform the personality into an algorithm which then lends itself to a digital copy of the personality.
The contention is that once a person passes away, his qualities and characteristics are bequeathed to his heirs. This technology is just the beginning of the journey towards digital immortality.
The idea is that the decentralized storage and encryption will provide for the security of personal data, making the digital personality not only readily available, but also tamper-proof.
The BeANKH token intends to be the digital currency used to pay for the aforementioned services, the hardware involved in facilitating the technology and any recurring fees involved with maintenance of user’s profiles.