What is BINCOIN?
Nowadays, there are daily numerous earning projects barely with any solid plan, although they began with the promise of healthy profits and rewards. Yet they fail to ensure sustained earning for their users at the end of it all. This is one of the main explanations for why people often get bored and show a lack of interest in these projects, and then these programs/projects give slow progress. We have observed that people want sustained earning in their account with little efforts. It is this understanding that drives our vision for Bank Independent Network (BIN).
During recent years, the banking industry across the globe is carefully observing the developments in the disruptive innovation called the blockchain technology. This technology offers a tamper-evident recording of the linked transaction history in a distributed network. It has the great potential to disrupt the financial world.
The nature of the blockchain addresses risks and inefficiencies in multi-party systems, and that is where its benefits will be most widely received. Applications of the blockchain for encoding economic signals have been in vogue for the past decade, and the claims that it may be useful for digitizing currency are being studied.
BINCOIN has taken the initiative of exploring the applicability of the blockchain to the Banking and Financial Industry.