What is Boomstarter.Network?
Now crowdfunding becomes predictable, transparent and independent from centralized platforms, that means decentralized. Boomstarter Network uses Ethereum platform, which executes decentralized application for crypto-crowdfunding. This brings crowdfunding up to the whole new level.
There are no international restrictions anymore — anyone could launch their dream project from any place the world with a stable Internet connection. Crowdfunding will become as accessible and convenient as ever.
Authors can now be sure that they will conveniently receive the funds raised for the project. The funds become available for them in a few minutes (average transaction time in Ethereum network ranges from 30 seconds to 5 minutes). Boomstarter Network utilizes smart-contracts that are built on mathematical logic, and they follow it independently of all centralized organisations.
With Boomstarter Network, authors can call on their supporters to help with not only money, but also by investing their computing power to mine cryptocurrency for the author’s project pool and help to make the world a better place.
Backers gain an ability to support projects in cryptocurrencies, which removes most of the international restrictions and inconveniencies.