What is CamelToken?
CamelToken(CMLT) is a peer-to-peer digital token that gives you an easy method to send and receive money online. The CamelToken(CMLT) team consists of computer engineers, programmers, designers, senior news producers, restaurant owners and last but not least barbershop owners… all whom have pledged unanimously to accept the CamelToken(CMLT) as a method of payment! Much has changed in the past few decades, from the extended use of smartphones to the soon to come home-drone delivery service. However, when you look at it from a bird’s eye view perspective, not every country or region is adapting to these changes effectively in comparison to their neighbours. Take the Middle East for example, much of its countries can be classed as super-rich yet there is no crypto-token that is used amongst many of them… so why not be the first?