What is CoffeSwap?
Our mission is to ensure that our investors generate the maximum possible returns with our platform through the Automated APY selector pool and the limetes orders to make Stake and Unstake.
Another important pillar is transparency, all changes and new movements will always be registered.
Why CoffeeSwap?
CoffeeSwap has all the features of other DeFi protocols, incorporating some improvements and services such as limit orders.
Accessibility : At CoffeeSwap Team we are committed to providing an easy user interface. We want the usability to be as easy and intuitive as possible.
Services: We offer 2 types of services; Staking and Farming (DeFi)
Project Security : Security is vital to achieving within a blockchain protocol. Our smart contract Coffeswap ERC20 is identical to the sushiswap ERC20, which has been successfully audited. To promote transparency, all devs and team funds will be public.