What is Contractium.io?
What is contractium
Contractium is a decentralized software that based on Ethereum smart contract, which helps users create smart contract easily via dektop- / mobile- / web- app.
Contractium will eliminate the print contract that required signatures between two or more parties and/or notarized by the public notary or the other third party.
Contractium, as a software-as-a-service, helps businesses use as:
1. A payment gateway (in those countries that accpet cryptocurrency as the international liquidity).
2. An online rewards system (in the rest countries of the world).
Contractium, based on Ethereum blockchain – smart contract, which is going to be intergrated in the real businesses inner network.
Contractium with the more friendly UX/GUI (User experience/ Graphic User Interface) in comparison with Ethereum, helps users create smart contract easily by just some clicks, drag-and-drop…
Contractium network with its crypto-fuel,called CTU (token) will help online businesses change the way they give rewards/bonus to their customers.