Cookie (COOKIE)

MarketingFi Protocol & AI Data Layer

Review Score
ICO Price
0.028 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
Start Date
11 June 2024
End Date
13 June 2024

What is Cookie?

Cookie3 pioneers MarketingFi with an AI data layer—a transparent marketing economy unlocking value for Web3 users, creators, and businesses, with over 170 dApps such as KyberSwap, Mantle, Polkstarter, Linea, GameSwift, and Insomnia Labs already using its technology. To realize its mission, Cookie3 is building a set of MarketingFi platforms and Web3 AI marketing solutions that connect projects with the right audiences, creating profitable opportunities for both. Cookie3 uses off- and on-chain analytics alongside a Web3 AI data layer to ensure only valuable user and project interactions benefit from the MarketingFi ecosystem. In an economy where lines between business owners, investors, and consumers are blurred, effective marketing becomes collaborative, and value flows freely between all stakeholders.

The Cookie DAO is an independent, decentralized collective of MarketingFi enthusiasts aiming to bolster decentralization through innovative blockchain solutions. It created the $COOKIE token and injected it into the Cookie ecosystem, by establishing a strategic partnership with Cookie3,  to drive the MarketingFi ethos forward through governance and tokenized support. Anyone can become a member of the Cookie DAO. The sole requirement is to believe in MarketingFi and want to drive the MarketingFi economy forward. Cookie DAO members are encouraged to hold and stake $COOKIE for access to additional rewards and voting rights on matters relating to the Cookie DAO’s treasury and future.

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