What is CryptoStarter?
Since 2015, more than 25 billion dollars was raised via Crowdfunding platforms and by 2025 the World Bank Report estimates the global crowdfunding investments will reach $93 billion. This figure approximately equals a current market capitalization of all crypto currencies, representing nearly 800 unique market traded crypto currencies that we have today in total. Hundredsofthousandsof creativeprojects,artworksandtechnicaldevelopmentsemerged withhelpof crowdfundingplatforms.
The challenge that CryptoStarter attempts to solve is to connect crowdfunding and crypto currency, at the same time making it simple to use and accessible to non-technical artists and entrepreneurs. Despite rapid development of crypto currency markets not all potential participants were able to use crypto currency advantages due to a number of reasons. Starting from the country where crypto currency lacks local support and up to simply the lack of knowledge and motivation to learn how to use crypto currency.
CryptoStarter transforms the crowdfunded product or startup project into sellable swappable tokens built on bitcoin / ethereum protocol. This allows to turn a promise of a project or product into instantly valuable futures asset that can be either resold to those who missed the deadline to support or it can be swapped to other projects tokens.