What is DATA?
The DATA project is devised to address the root of the fraud at its core. To ensure thot every participant in the ecosystem is motivated to “do good”, the DATA platform applies a reward system to incentivize end users with their attention contribution and to publishers with pruning their sell-side inventory. More granular information is collected and privately encrypted into a built-in peer-to-peer data storage for sharing across the network. Because every user is made aware of varying rewards only appropriate for his/her attention consumed on ads served in games or apps. it is highly catered and more personal. Therefore a user is less inclined to reject. ignore or block advertising. The experience institutes a more intimate relation between the advertisement and its consumer.
On top of that, advertisement consumption, no matter what format, be it banner or interstitial or a video or a playable advertisement, is tracked at the device level. Besides being the base for the hugely beneficial rewarding for the true user, the analysis of the behavioral data allows the subsequent conclusion of whether the user is a real person or a fake bot.