Ditry Coin (DCT)

Invest in the future of the adult and the escort industry.

Review Score
ICO Price
0.026153 USD
0.00015 ETH
Pre ICO Price
0.026153 USD
0.00015 ETH
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
100,000,000 DTC
Start Date
End Date

What is Ditry Coin?

In an atmosphere of increasing belief in quick profits, currencies that rely on gimmicks for their success are then abandoned. DirtyCoin will be the first crypto currency used for the Adult Industry, the Escort Industry and for means of pleasure. It is the best industry specific cryptocurrency targeting the Adult Entertainment Industry and the Escort Industry. The developers chose the name DirtyCoin because it best fits our goal to be the currency of private, secure and fast transactions for all things related to it. For anyone who wants to use the coin and take advantage of its usability, it will be possible. The coin will be listed on different ERC-20 exchanges. For those who want to trade and hold the coin. We will post a list of all our partners who accept our coin as a payment option. And our partners will also have it as a payment option to buy their services. We believe in DirtyCoin’s potential and are willing not only to build the infrastructure it requires for widespread adoption in the industry, but take the time to ensure product quality and security.

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