What is DuckyCoinAI BSC Fair Launch?
In Ducky you will find a lot of interesting things:
NFT marketplace. A.I. generator of NFT or usual pictures. IDO lunchpad platform with low commissions, staking, Anonymous DuckyChat with AI, Ducky blockchain and multiswap.
The world’s first open world 3D MMORPG with an NFT auction.
Before we begin, let’s take a brief look at the history of the game and the project, the team and what it has achieved.
Ducky is not a one-day project, the project is almost a year old. During this year the experienced team of game designers, programmers, web and blockchain developers has done a lot of work. So that today, when they are finally ready to present – working platform with many useful and interesting products.
The WALKING D.U.C.K game is already available for download in alpha mode. The peculiarity of this solution is that the team first brought the game to a high stage of readiness before presenting it. You get an almost finished product, rather than waiting a year or two, as is usually the case.