What is Enrgzine?
Energzine Integrated Energy Solutions that has developed the mobile electric vehicle charging facility in the European Union & Asia. Now Energzine Integrated Energy Solutions is the first to utilize crypto currency to exchange renewable energy for electric vehicle charging across the globe.
Energzine Integrated Energy Solutions, an independent European Union & Asian mobile electric vehicle charging Station Company with USD 11 million in current annual revenue that developed the first mobile electric vehi- cle charging Station retail franchise is building a global decentralized and delocalized renewable energy supply platform and deliv-ery system.
Energzine Integrated Energy Solutions is the fastest growing private energy trading and technology provider operating in an EU coun- try (Malta), oering an innovative Online and customer-centric service with greater trans-parency.
We have strategically selected Malta as our Operational Head Quarters. Malta has recently opened doors for the blockchain Technology companies and we are taking this opportunity to developed first ever blockchain enabled EV charging station.
Global technology revolution has changed the power balance between consumers and cen-tralized power authorities. The booming market in alternative energy sources like solar pho-to-voltaic systems (PV), batteries, micro-grids and embedded networks has moved the power from Govt. Authorities to the open market, to where citizens have control. According to BNEF (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) Out of $11.4tn $7.8tn will be invested in renewable energy.
There is an inconvenient truth facing the tradi-tional energy supply industry: at some stage, it will be cheaper and more eective to self-sup-ply than to rely on the network to provide low-cost and reliable and clean energy.