What is FARM?
FARM (Food And Resource Matrix) is a Blockchain based organisation dedicated towards effective commercial agriculture, FARM will use Blockchain technology in agriculture sector as its business model to produce, harvest, post harvest management, process and storage, transport and distribution of crops and food products across India and all around the globe. Blockchain will be used to store data regarding Demand and Supply, transportation, storage of crops, pre and post harvesting of crops and crop products to ensure peer to peer connection between farmers and end consumers. This will bring transparency in the agriculture industry and will help in effective decision making by farmers to decide type of crops to be grown in the following season commercially.
FARM intends to change the concept of traditional agriculture and farming practices to run it as a business through Blockchain Technology, in the mean course our business model will be used to establish near Price Stability concept by inducing Value Chain production model of crops in farming and combined production. Till now most of the farmers across world are involved in marginal farming for their food security which demotes the growth rate of production in agriculture making the market unpredictable. However with induction of Blockchain Technology into Agriculture Sector the demand data and supply data for all the crops will be online to assess the need of growth of crops regionally.
FARM will be raised as an organisation of reliable source of information, solution providing guide, a blockchain based business development firm, a training and service sector institution, a leading community of advanced farmers, and an agriculture market influencer. FARM will consist of many blockchain based sister organisations which will help eliminate shortcomings in decisions and implementations ofFARM.