Revolutionising the Way We Bank

Review Score
ICO Price
0.145296 USD
0.0008333333 ETH
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
Start Date
15 June 2018
End Date
30 November 2018

What is FINX?


The very first organized banks came into existence around 2000 BC in ancient Assyria and Sumer, where storage of valuables in temples and grain loans were made available to traders and farmers. Over the centuries, the banking system has gone through multiple hurdles and iterations to get to what we all know banks to be today.

Despite that, the modern banking system is still flawed, as evidenced by the financial crises that had occurred over these couple centuries mostly due to profit-driven nature of banks placing their own interests before that of their customers. This has led to a consensus of distrust towards the banking industry by the masses.

FINX aims to address this major issue by giving back the ownership and power over assets to the masses. With the trustless nature of FINX, users no longer need to place their trust on anyone but themselves.

By integrating our proprietary solutions with blockchain technology in a dynamic hybrid ecosystem, comprehensive decentralized banking services will be available at just a few clicks away, users will be able to:

1) MADS™ – Store both digital & real assets in the user’s very own secure digital wallet; and retain full control of your own private keys, thus eliminating any potential breaches from a centralised single-point failure. FINX Debit Cards are planned for in the near future.
2) DTSS™ – Cut out the middleman and trade directly in a P2P trade settlement ecosystem.
3) MAAW™ – Withdraw assets in the form of fiat currencies, physical gold, and financial products;
4) SFPA™ – Purchase structured financial products using cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies; and
5) FINX Pay™ – Utilise FINX Tokens as a mode of payment at retail businesses, hotel chains, and restaurants around the globe.

Leveraging other advantages of enabled by blockchain technology, such as enhanced security, better transparency, lower cost, and minimal downtime, FINX aims to revolutionize the very way we bank today.

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