What is Gaia?
About Gaia
The GEP utility token will be launched as an ERC20 token operating via smart contracts running on the Ethereum platform. GAIA commits 10% of annual profit into buying back and burning Token until the value of our token sale is reached.
GAIA-Projects products can only be bought via the GEP, all token holders receive a lifetime discount of 20% on all GAIA devices – enabling them to start distributing our products on their own.
We are making the necessary arrangements to list the token on exchanges. Additionally we intend to add an IOT-Interface to our devices in Phase 2 to enable token holders to actively trade energy.
The GEP Token will be one of the multiple currencies available on a crypto/fiat card, that GAIA-Projects is currently working on with its Partners.
Our Vision
“Writing the future by providing a functioning framework for shaping ideas into reality, guiding the most innovative technological inventions of the 21st century to the market .”
As technology evolves at an ever-increasing rate, bringing forth new and amazing ways for the world to progress and accomplish wonders, it is accompanied by an ever-rising demand for energy. We at GAIA-Projects envision a world that replies to this energy demand in a way suiting the 21st century: casting off the old, obsolete sources of energy, like fossil fuels, and embracing the new, clean, green and renewable energy.
Our Strategy
“Achieving together, what stays denied to the Individual.”
Over the past few centuries, the industrial revolution has brought the world automation and centralization, forever altering manufacturing, distribution, and the very nature of business itself. Today, GAIA stands as the vanguard of the world’s next revolution, our ultimate goal of leading the energy revolution of the 21st century and providing:
Our strategy involves GAIA seeking out and investing in exciting new inventions. These remarkable projects are geared toward providing green alternatives to power our everyday lives of the entire human population. Coupled with rigorous market entry testing, we do not only help individuals and small companies bring forth their intriguing new products, devices, and processes in ways they could not accomplish alone, we also help them to make these new technologies available and affordable to anyone.
Our GAIA-Projects
GAIA-Projects are the products of painstaking research and development for the most promising and exciting energy inventions and innovations — unique products, devices, and processes that help the world step away from its reliance on fossil fuels and other harmful energy resources of the past.
While the novelty of most of these inventions makes them expensive and time-consuming adventures, the clarity of focus that drives the GAIA vision makes the sacrifices and investments in them a cause worth pursuing. We are fully committed to helping individual inventors, and small companies standardize their inventions and manage the preparations for market entry. We take care of the complicated and cost heavy processes involved in proofing concepts and sponsoring innovation.
With our unparalleled knowledge and experience, GAIA has perfected this process, making it efficient and cost-effective, while producing actionable data that can make your innovations even better.