What is GTCoin?
Game Tester was founded in 2015. Its primary function is to provide a range of services for game companies through the provision of seed populations and feedback for new games being introduced to the market. To achieve this, a substantial pool of Game Testers has been accumulated through advertising and word of mouth. Game Testers are provided with rewards for their contribution to survey data and gameplay, as well
as access to special offers from approved hardware and software providers. Game Tester will be scaled to more than 1 million testers, allowing the provision of specific demographic and geographically filtered test populations at scale.
Game Tester Crypto addresses the need to reward gamers for their contribution to the development process of digital games. It also provides a Platform solution and suite of tools to enable gamers to purchase games and gaming hardware without currency issues and gives developers ongoing insights into the behavior of their customers.
The Game Tester Platform offers benefits to gamers and developers. Gamers can earn for their time and feedback, whilst developers can use the Platforms inbuilt targeting to reach a mass audience extremely quickly and cost-effectively.
GameTester is developing the most comprehensive gaming industry support mechanism ever. Outlined below are all the different business units within GameTester that are entirely focused on supporting the $108.9 Billion worldwide gaming industry. By purchasing GTCoins you will be supporting the gaming industry and capitalising on the exponential growth of both the gaming and cryptocurrency industries.