What is Hub?
Whether through messaging systems, online communities, social networks, or the advent of the sharing economy enabled by peer-to-peer marketplaces, Internet applications have provided unprecedented opportunity for billions of users to interact and engage in content, connection and commerce. While such applications have enabled users to come into contact with many more people virtually, a lack of virtual trust between strangers has hindered the realization of greater economic value for users on the Internet.
The advent of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies have created an opportunity known as the “Internet of Value” —a protocol-based system that transmits more than just information but units of economic value. These technologies enable decentralized networks to maintain consensual truth while transacting tokens that incentivize users for adding value to the network. By securing the network from harm and encouraging contribution, blockchain technologies produce an economic network effect that results in their rapid expansion.
Enabled for the first time in human history by blockchain technology, the solution to this lack of virtual trust is a ubiquitous trust layer that enables users to assess trustworthiness across applications. Hub defines the Human Trust Protocol and provides verifiable, portable trust that can be leveraged across Internet applications to deliver “trust-at-a-distance” whenever users interact with strangers.