What is HUSSY?
Sex work (or prostitution) is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment either as money, goods, services or some other benefit agreed upon by the transacting parties. There is expected to be around 40-45 million sex workers living all over the world with generated annual revenue of almost $200 billion. There are a variety of challengingproblems faced by participants in this industry – namely, illegal sex work, human trafficking, violence against women and children, increased probability of transferring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or false rape accusations against the clients. The value proposition of our project is to create a decentralized platform and to provide incentives for both sex workers and their customers around the globe for safer engagement in paid sex services. The solution we offer provides anonymized but verifiable KYC compliance, professional health certification and Proof of Consent stored on the Blockchain. In this paper we describe in detail the problems with the status quo, our proposed solution, roadmap, business plan and conditions of the crowdsale.