What is Liquidity.Network?
The Liquidity.Network is a practical blockchain micropayment system, supporting millions of users securely, reducing transaction costs significantly and enabling the mainstream adoption of blockchain.
Despite their potential, existing blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum can only process ten’s of transactions per second – comparable mainstream payment systems process over thousand transactions per second. Off-chain payment channels have been proposed to substantially increase the blockchain’s transaction processing capabilities.
Typical off-chain channels, however, face several limitations: users need to keep substantial deposits locked up in rigid allocations, payment channel rebalancing is limited to on-chain transactions, complex routing structures needs
to be set up, etc.
Liquidity.Network is the first practical, secure and scalable off-chain payment hub system for decentralized blockchains. The Liquidity.Network architecture stems from a symbiosis between our novel innovations: the Payment Hub and REVIVE. Liquidity.Network is scalable to multi millions of users, and does not require rigid funds to be locked up.