What is MIN?
Time is the most valuable commodity we have. It is an asset that has traditionally been easy to measure but hard to meter. Until now.
MIN is a tokenized means of payment by which professionals, consultants and experts of all varieties can charge for their time in a flexible, transparent and fair system. By moving to a per-minute payment structure, MIN will remove much of the worst elements of the consulting and freelancing landscape. No longer will clients be overcharged for services. No longer will a few extra minutes of work delivered be tallied up to the nearest hour. Professionals won’t need to justify that extra hour and risk good relations with their client with MIN. Clients will know they’re getting exactly what they pay for, while freelancers will know that every minute of time spent is time rewarded.
What’s more, opportunities for billable time increase hugely with MIN. A spare 20 minutes while waiting for a flight is a business opportunity. A short commute on the train can pay for itself with per-minute billing. So many of the previously wasted moments in life will become monetized moments. In that way what was once lost time will be turned into profit, making free time more enjoyable and richly spent. MIN is the payment system of the 21st century, a payment system in which every minute counts.
The potential for MIN does not end there. MIN can also be used a rewards system for completing tasks and browsing. Social platforms can form partner programs to reward users for time spent completing various tasks. With MIN even ‘wasting time’ can become uniquely rewarding and worthwhile. Social platforms which can incentivize their audience to participate in the fullest way possible will place themselves at an advantage to their competitors. In this way users will be able to feel appreciated and valued and social platforms will know that they are giving tangible value back to their contributors.