What is MLTOKEN?
Multi-level token (MLT) – is a derivative structural product, based on Ethereum blockchain and has a basic asset of cryptocurrency Ether (ETH). MLT tokens provide their holders with a right to acquire income out of ETH value increase and a coupon revenue, that is formed by the bonus program designed into the token’s algorithm and is based on the principles of multi-level marketing. The amount of a coupon revenue depends on volume of initial investments and on a position of a member’s wallet within a rigidly structured network.
Such a network is formed according to a “tree” principle. Every new wallet of a member takes its place in accordance with the algorithm of a tree formation – i.e the upper unoccupied tree cell. One level down three other wallets are placed of those members who bought them later, and beneath every one of those three wallets another three wallets are placed, and so forth. The algorithm provides for uniform and fair allocation of all wallets on every tree branches.