What is MOBU?
Throughout history, there have always been revolutionary ideas. But those who lack the vision to embrace the future invariably get left behind.
The securities market is a multi-trilliondollar arena which remains virtually untouched in the blockchain space. Imagine unlocking that vast potential through a consolidated, enabling and self-regulating platform? Launching an ICO that offers a security token can be extremely challenging due to the magnitude of technical, legal and regulatory requirements and procedures. Failure to abide by these regulations could result in costly penalties and could threaten to derail the whole project.
Globally the issue around ICO government regulation is currently in a confused state of uncertainty with sometimes contrasting points of view.
However, the general trend is towards recognition: recognition that security token ICOs have a place in the market and that progress will, therefore, need collaboration between government and industry. All signs point to 2018 being the year of government regulation, where the needs of investor protection and broader security token ICO participation are addressed.
MOBU offers a decentralized organised ICO platform to facilitate the release of compliant security tokens on the blockchain. Real businesses wishing to raise capital by issuing security tokens will build their ICOs on the MOBU platform. MOBU creates an abstract smart contract from which all security token ICOs will be extended. The MOBU abstract smart contract will contain the code that is required by the security token ICOs to conform to the MOBU ERC20 platform and the MOB20 standard to adapt to the ideas and requirements of MOBU. A regulatory friendly token is the only way to allow institutional money to enter the blockchain and a user-friendly platform for trusted ICO`s is the only way to allow nontech businessmen to participate in the blockchain.
MOBU introduces a new innovative method of escrow services to ICO`s. Investors are able to exit the ICO after the crowdsale on a pro-rata basis if the ICO issuers do not adhere to their roadmap or goals. A “lockup” utility to MOBU tokens for service providers will be introduced to access services, rather than spend the tokens. This creates scarcity of supply in the market and increases the demand and intrinsic value of the MOBU token.
These unique features ensure higher overall ROI for investors and creates a network of confidence and trust that will boost economic efficiency and incentivize community growth.