What is N.Exchange?
We founded n.exchange after seeing a pressing need in the market, first-hand.
From the very beginning, the idea behind n.exchange has been to establish a platform that customers can fully trust. One that is designed to have no conflict of interest with the client, and which has the potential to become the first regulated A-Book broker in the crypto sphere.
We have designed our solution to have the smallest possible attack surface and, where possible, to take no custody of customer funds, whatsoever.
We work hard to build a relationship of trust and transparency with our customers, we keep the system trust-free wherever possible n.exchange instant as our beach-head product.
In cases where the custody of user funds is inevitable, we make sure that we follow the correct regulations to do it legally, with the correct security measures to avoid disaster, and the correct insurance coverage to recover from it, if it still strikes.
We strongly believe that in order for this sphere to prosper, one of the key principles of the newly-minted crypto economy, decentralisation, must prevail.
Therefore, we encourage every customer to take custody of their own funds, and to use the variety of services we offer to exchange cryptocurrency, fiat or goods, using the merchant solution; to mine or remit cryptocurrency, all under one roof – securely, transparently, and with zero transmission time.