What is Nettekcoin?
Nettek coin will make a decentralized biological system, utilizing moment installments, on our blockchain with the lower charges. Our framework is open for any consultant, web based gamers, web engineers, freelancers, coders, architects, advertising chiefs, editors and some more. This environment will give benefits to clear terms and conditions with an automatic commercial center. We plan to create, develop and build ‘Freelancer Market place.’ Nettek coin will be the principal advanced advertising blockchain in one focal social space with elite and solid security and apply staggered verification and encryption system to make another age of blockchain, with driving blockchain 4.0.
We plan to create and develop Ultimate Freelance Office (UFO). Here, client can hire expert freelancers for any job, on the blockchain. One can highlight and advertise their skills, browse projects that need your skills and expertise, accept projects and assignments, complete them within deadlines and receive NTTK, OR other cryptocurrency: ETH, BTC, DASH, LTC, BCH as payments.