Nukleus (NUK)

The Masternode Platform

Review Score
ICO Price
0.000872 USD
0.000005 ETH
Pre ICO Price
0.000697 USD
0.000004 ETH
Soft Cap
7,130 ETH
Hard Cap
Start Date
1 May 2018
End Date
21 May 2018

What is Nukleus?

While operating a masternode can be profitable and fulfilling for venturing cryptocurrency supporters and enthusiasts there are some challenges to getting started: Launching a masternode is a highly technical process and goes beyond the scope of most users’ abilities; Launching a masternode requires a minimum holding, or stake, of coins to get started. This stake can require 10’s to 100’s of thousands of dollars. The Nukleus platform solves the two big obstacles preventing more users from launching masternodes: One-click masternode hosting allows users to launch a masternode with incredible ease – no advanced technical ability required; Masternode pools allow users to pool their masternode coin holdings with other users to launch a masternode. Now users with any amount of masternode coins can enjoy the benefits of running a masternode.

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