Pepesage (PPS)

A Journey to the Peak of $PEPE Peace

Review Score
ICO Price
0.00000002 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
50 BNB
Hard Cap
Start Date
17 May 2023
End Date
20 May 2023

What is Pepesage?

Pepe Sage, born in a peaceful village, yearned for adventure and something beyond his tranquil life. Seeking inner peace, he embarked on a journey guided by his late grandfather’s map. Traveling through mountains, forests, and cities, he learned from diverse people, absorbing their wisdom. Pepe discovered that peace resided within, attained through acceptance, self-awareness, and harmony amidst chaos. Overcoming challenges and facing his inner demons, he grew stronger, able to harness powerful thoughts. Finally, atop a mountain, he realized peace was within him. Returning home, he shared his wisdom, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys. Pepe became a revered figure, spreading tranquility and guiding others in their pursuit of peace.

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