What is Percocet Pepe?
Percocet Pepe is a Meme designed to set humanity free from the jaws & claws of mediocre, mundane & shit memes by taking the MASK OFF the lies that have enslaved them since the beginning of Memes.
Leveraging the theme of the most viral, iconic and satirical meme on the internet, Pepe, we are the rebels against mediocre memes and copycats that have failed to unlock humanity’s true potential and get them to the climax of memeing experience.
Humanity has been blinded, enslaved & played for too long. Percocet Pepe is here to change the play and empower memoooorrrs to call the play again instead of being mediocre slaves. Percocet Pepe offers nothing but the truth for memooorrrs to reach the ultimate high.
Take the green pill to launch yourself into an ecstatic meme wonderland you’ve been blinded from all this while.