What is RabbitSwap?
Rabbitswap Network is a fully decentralized P2P network where LPs in the network are peer-to-peer self-hosted accounts and assets are self-managed by the user’s private key. Any individual or institution can deploy a program that conforms to the network protocol to provide liquidity in the network. The nodes in the network perform price calculations and build peer-to-peer orders in a distributed manner according to protocol rules, which makes the network censorship-resistant and scalable; this can provide trading services for tens of millions of users.
Users can trade on Rabbitswap Network with extremely low gas fees without experiencing MEV issues, which fully protects their rights. At the same time, the network protocol can flexibly support multiple AMM algorithms, giving LPs more options for market making accompanied by real-time and fast trading mechanisms that allow LPs to adjust their market making strategies more flexibly to protect their market making returns.