Relex (RLX)

Cryptocurrency-Based Real Estate Development

Review Score
ICO Price
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
Pre ICO Start Date
9 September 2017
Pre ICO End Date
15 October 2017
Start Date
16 October 2017
End Date
15 November 2017

What is Relex?

Relex was established as a platform to leverage Squawk Advisors (SA) investment portfolio offerings to a wider investor base, while being able to streamline the investment process more efficiently for existing SA investors. Squawk Advisors was formally established in August 2016 as an Illinois corporation to formalize operations of, which started in Jan. 2014. As one of the players in the investment advisory industry connecting projects and companies with suitable investors in the geographic focus areas of North America and Asia, Squawk Advisors managed to gain a reputation as a solid investment advisory service, possessing an investment advisory portfolio that exceeded $1 billion USD as of the end of 2016. Squawk Advisors has offered investors exemplary
services in the areas of investment filtering and selection, along with assistance through every step of the investment process, from origination to closing. Squawk Advisors aims to offer investors high investment projects in frontier markets, with its focus in real estate and pharmaceuticals. Relex has emerged from this background, and has been placing its offerings on the Relex blockchain for offering to investors. Relex aims to offer investors the most effective financial solutions and the most streamlined investment process through its advanced technological infrastructure.

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