What is RIX?
Rix has intrinsic assets. It is the very first in the world. Rix buys Cryptocurrency 70% of the issuance price and deposits them as intrinsic assets. These intrinsic assets become a basis for Rix’s market price and help stabilize the price.
Rix’s AI investment platform invests these intrinsic assets and multiplies them. The target rate of return ranges from 0.3% to 0.9% on daily average. This is higher than Bitcoin’s daily average increase rate of 0.671% and lower than Scalper’s daily rate of return ranging from 3 to10%. Considering the performance level of typical investment machines in the market, it is rather an achievable target rate and it is different in a way that it is structured to make an investment by machine learning rather than Quant algorithm.
Through the investment trust program, Rix allows investors who didn’t purchase Rix to entrust their funds to AI investment platform service wallet and share profits using Rix’s investment platform service.
Rix’s ICD (Incentive Centered Design) mechanism improves survivability and profitability of the investment. This design allows the total value of intrinsic assets and the unit value of Rix to increase as coins are consumed and its number decreases. This stabilizes the market price without entering into the risk zone of the investment.
Rix participants become an integral part of DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Rix is managed by DAO where investors take part in investment, asset management, and withdrawal and can safeguard its assets on its own.