What is Rocket Pool?
Rocket Pool is a first of its kind, next generation decentralised Ethereum proof of stake (PoS) pool in alpha and built to be compatible with Casper, the new consensus protocol due in 2018.
Unlike traditional centralised Proof of Work (PoW) pools, Rocket Pool utilises the power of smart contracts to create a self-regulating, decentralised network of smart nodes. These smart nodes can then be engaged by users with any amount of Ether to earn interest on their deposits, all the while helping to secure the Ethereum network.
Rocket Pool is composed of 3 primary elements; smart contracts, smart nodes, and minipools. All three integrate with each other to provide a new type of network that can automatically scale, load balance, and self-monitor across multiple cloud hosting providers in any region of the world.
Rocket Pool is currently in alpha with its code publicly available for inspection. It can be run locally by any user that desires to see how it works. Rocket Pool also boasts several first to market user features for Casper staking such as Widow Addresses and Rocket Deposit Tokens (RPD).