What is Sovren Exchange?
You can no longer question if emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) will impact on our lives in the years to come; it is undoubtedly transforming businesses and their workforce across every sector. These technologies are at the forefront of human-computer innovation and have the potential to provide the crypto services industry with virtual rule-based systems that will have the ability to connect with Blockchain technologies in a much more efficient way than what humans can.
The goal for Sovren is to be at the forefront of integrating these technologies into the crypto services industry by building a crypto trading platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies and Intelligent Automation for security, customer service and trading services.
For Security our AI and RPA technologies will deliver a high-speed proactive cyber defence to protect trader assets. Currently crypto exchanges are at a disadvantage because attackers only have to succeed once while defenders have to protect a complex attack surface 24/7. Sovren is combining AI and robotic automation with people skills to deliver a platform with world-class threat management integrated from the start.
With AI and RPA integrated into the Sovren platform we will not only be the most secure crypto exchange but will also be in a unique position to apply these technologies to deliver a superior trading experience. Most crypto exchanges only serve one purpose, a means to change one crypto into another. At Sovren we believe that to truly make crypto a mainstream commodity we need to go much further by finding innovative solutions to make crypto more accessible to all. It is difficult for any trader, especially new ones, to get to grips with the steep learning curve they have to go through to gain the knowledge required to successfully trade crypto.