What is SpotLight?
Small Companies and 3rd party websites such as Craiglist do not provide consumers security for global trade. Sellers have no accountability. While these sites do provide more cost effective options, there is nothing that protects buyers from sending funds and never receiving the products or services they purchased.
Utilizing the Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contract technology, Spot Light Coin will allow consumers to purchase products from vendors worldwide while having the security of their funds being held until products are delivered or services are rendered.
Our platform rewards influencers for improving a company’s reach and creates a self-sustaining crypto economy. We leverage all of the most effective digital marketing platforms, and consolidate them into one high quality, referral based solution.Campaigns will reward our community in Spot Light Coin for promoting brands on their favorite social influence platforms. Those brands will take SLC as payment for their products and services, thus creating the Spot Light Economy