What is SuperPay.vip?
Continuous growing market. According to the research of Transparency Market Research, the market value of proximity mobile payment is about USD$58 billion in 2017 globally and will reach USD$411 billion by 2022. The average annual compound growth rate is up to 48% among these 5 years. North America is the major contributor of the global proximity mobile payment market in the coming years. Which is about USD$13 billion in 2017 and will reach USD$98 billion by 2022; and the average annual compound growth rate is up to 49.8% among these 5 years.
As for Europe, it may also become an important development area for proximity mobile payment technology. It is estimated that by 2022, the market value will reach USD$73.9 billion. From 2017 to 2022, the average annual compound growth rate is 46.9%.
SPV (SuperPay.vip) is a universal mobile payment platform. The sellers can issue digital currency and receive cryptocurrency, credit card. While this system uses the blockchain technology, the data will not be lost. We will set up a community for members to discuss and build up the ecosystem together. SPV hopes to establish the common standards of the mobile payment in the world. Sincerely welcome you to join and create the world’s most popular mobile payment platform with us.
80% profit will return to our SPC token holders perpetually.
Start from the United States, and make the application of mobile payment rapidly spread to more users over the world. This project eventually will promote the global economic developing, increase new business opportunities, and new business models worldwide. The influence may cover medical, financial, tourism, public utilities, and etc., Moreover it will improve the quality and promote the competitiveness for service industry.