What is The Man Cave Project?
The Man Cave is a cryptocurrency project designed to empower men to be the people they have always wanted to be.
We want to empower men with the clarity and abundance mindset to go out and achieve anything they can dream up or think of, be that chat to a woman for the first time or become CEO of an elite organisation — the potential is in all of us, we just need to realise this for ourselves.
We have designed The Man Cave to be an information portal, an outlet, a place to network and communicate in, or just to sit down and do some manly stuff and chat to like minded individuals. The Man Cave will have professionals around to help men navigate this sort of thing (but not a substitute for a doctor, just so you know, always consult your GP), be that healthy living, fitness, or just getting up to manly stuff like beer, BBQing, golfing and football.
Our vision is to create a thriving hub for men to prosper, communicate and network with other men where we can share ideas, learn new trades, be better people, or just sit back, relax and have a beer whilst talking to friends.
There is a dire need for a space for men to come in and just, well, be men. There is often aworld that’s telling us what we ‘should’ be, rather than letting us accept us for who we are. Ifyou look take a look at spaces for women — those are already ahead of us; they teach each and every woman that it’s perfectly acceptable to be a woman, and it is. Why not have a place for men that does the same?
We want to exist to tell you that it’s perfectly acceptable to be a man, and that our behaviour,however erratic at times, is normal. The first thing we should be doing with ourselves is accepting us for who we really are. All kinds of men will be accepted here and there will beno judgements. Tall, short, wide, hairy; you’re all welcome here.
We aim to be the first Crypto-social project for men and hope not to be the last. It is our vision that other people will jump on board with this idea and realise the massive opportunity to fund projects like these, and the support that they can gain from a wide variety of communities. We are closer together in the Cryptosphere than ever before.