Tixl (MTXLT)

Private. Instant. Zero-fees.

Review Score
ICO Price
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
Pre ICO Start Date
15 April 2019
Pre ICO End Date
16 July 2019
Start Date
17 July 2019
End Date
28 August 2019

What is Tixl?

What is Tixl?

Tixl is a new cryptocurrency that allows private, instant and zero-fee transactions.

The Problem

None of the current cryptocurrencies allows private, instant and zero-fee transactions at the same time. But why is that a problem? In a world heading more and more towards digital currencies each day, we must secure that the essential properties of traditional money preserve. Nobody, neither governments or companies nor private people want the public to be able to see all of their monetary transactions. Also, all users of a digital currency wish to pay as low fees as possible, the higher the fee, the lower the potential for widespread usage. Last but not least, if a future currency is slow, it’s not a future currency.

The Solution

Tixl uses the most sophisticated technologies emerged from the blockchain world of the past years. As such, it uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) as a data structure together with the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). To ensure that transactions stay private, a quantum secure cryptosystem is implemented to encrypt transaction details.


To finance the implementation of Tixl and also to raise capital for marketing a token sale is conducted. During the fundraising Tixl BEP2 Tokens [MTXLT] on the Binance Chain are sold that operate as vouchers and can later be swapped to the Tixl currency itself.

Investment Potential

Similar opportunities apply to an investment in Tixl as to an investment in Bitcoin, Ethereum or another cryptocurrency. If Tixl rises in price and you bought early in the ICO, you benefit from the corresponding performance.

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