What is Trade.io?
By using our innovative and trusted trade.io blockchain trading platform, we will democratize the markets and save money for investors and companies, reducing and in some cases, eliminating the tremendous fees and inefficiencies traditionally associated with asset trading. trade.io is a next generation financial institution based on blockchain technology, providing the ultimate in security and transparency. By leveraging decades of experience in the investment banking, trading & fintech sectors, and combining them with the power and transparency of the distributed ledger, we’ve created a truly unique product that will revolutionize asset trading and investment banking.
As well as asset trading, the trade.io exchange supports a more efficient and secure method of listing assets in the crypto economy, using the trusted record keeping capabilities that only blockchain provides. This is coupled with trade.io’s investment banking and advisory expertise and the reassurance that comes with operating in a regulated environment.
Ultimately, trade.io will be a trading and financing platform for more than just crypto assets. It will also offer Forex and CFDs over precious metals, oil, commodities, indices, global equities, to name just a few. Offering more than 120 products at launch, trade.io will have the capacity to trade any number of assets.
trade.io recognizes the potential for Blockchain to transform the global trading system and as a result, has created an offering and product that not only fills a huge void in the FinTech space but which, most importantly, puts its investors’ and clients’ interests first.