Transition Coin (TGB)

Reserve a Future Green Burial for a Fixed Cost

Review Score
ICO Price
Pre ICO Price
0.7 USD
Soft Cap
1000000 USD
Hard Cap
10000000 USD
Pre ICO Start Date
10 December 2018
Pre ICO End Date
31 December 2018
Start Date
1 January 2019
End Date
28 February 2019

What is Transition Coin?


A funeral may seem like our last exclusively personal decision, but the impact of that decision is actually far wider than it may seem. The choices we make around funerals and burials can impact our families, communities and the world for many generations.

The conventional burial process is a major source of pollution that contaminates local land, air and water. Not only are embalming fluids and caskets leaking toxins into the ground from the moment they are interned, but cremation also disperses caustic toxins into the air.

If the environmental concerns were not bad enough, the cost of conventional funerals and burials has been increasing rapidly and often can leave surviving family members with massive debts. If let unprepared, families face daunting decisions around a funeral process that can cost well over $25,000.

With the development of the Green Burial movement, an environmentally sound alternative to the funeral or cremation process is now becoming available. By providing a time-honored burial that is both cost-effective and nurturing to the earth, green burials are an obvious solution to all of the issues posed by the modern funeral industry.

Many people have already chosen green burials for their funerals and the demand for this type of burial is rapidly rising. Although it is anticipated that the cost of green burials will stay well below the costs of conventional or “traditional” funerals, the costs of green burials will eventually rise. Currently, the cost of a green burial is around $5,000.

TransitionCoin from Transition Green Burials LLC offers a way to reserve an environmentally sensitive Green Burial today or anytime in the future for $4,000, a 20% savings immediately. TransitionCoins may be passed on to your loved ones as well.

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