What is Tresorio HUB?
We are witnessing a digital revolution driven by connected objects which is about to change the everyday lives of households, businesses and our whole societies. Since the appearance of smartphones, used today as a real extension of our consciousness, we seek to increase the capabilities of these smart objects. This revolution, stemming from advances in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect data, the blockchain to secure them and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to treat them, carries the promise of seeing a unified system capable of responding to the new ambitions of
our constantly changing societies.
The cloud computing market is, despite a strong growth of more than 30% per year (generated revenue estimated at USD 180 billion in 2017), still primarily concentrated around a few actors. These “pure players” represent 60% of the market, an oligopolistic situation leading to a lack of price
competition and declining customer service (Gartner, 2017). In order to allow as many people as possible to take part in this revolution, we believe that an inclusive access to computing resources is necessary. In response to this problem, decentralized marketplaces such as iExec, SONM, Golem, Storj and SIA are starting to emerge. Tresorio HUB aims at providing an additional solution to this problem by creating an aggregator of computer resources, based on its own decentralized and eco-responsible clusters network, the Green Network, and on the resources provided by individuals through various decentralized marketplaces. These resources will be leased to companies and individuals with recurring or nonrecurring needs so that they can use them to store and deploy all kinds of applications (AI, cryptoassets mining, video games, graphic rendering, scientific research, etc.).