What is UVIDIFY?
With global e-commerce projected to double by 2021, it’s clear that both the peer-to-peer, and business to consumer models are in need of dynamic improvements. Nearly 95% of online commerce and networking are done in a 2D photographic environment, which can allow for misconception of goods, possibilities of fraud, and a lack of security for both the buyer and seller. U-Vid’ify was developed to revolutionize the user experience across all marketplaces globally. Users now can view, buy, or sell products and services in a high definition video format while earning UVD tokens for positive candor. Through the use of smart contracts, and sucurity programs, U-Vid’ify will be able to have a eal measurable impact on the way that buyers and sellers transact. U-Vid’ify is the ultimate all-in-one world market App for businesses, entrepreneurs, and the local world community.
Global product & service awareness with state of the art marketing methods
Safe transaction protection services on all purchases, services & transfers
Earn unlimited UVD tokens on positive feedback and user experiences
Global social media, networking and communication platform
Lowest advertising, listing & transaction fees available
Downloadable history & bookkeeping analytics
UVD tokens then can be used for listing services, purchases or transferred to an external exchange for consumer purposes. Members then are granted UVD tokens for positive rapport, feedback and for upholding platform candor.
U-Vid’ify is taking the needed steps to meet and exceed public demand by offering an all-in-one marketplace for everyone globally. The platform functionality gives everyone the ability to efficiently use an umbrella of services instead of utilizing multiple channels for advertising. This will maximize user exposure, increase profitable opportunities, while creating an overall positive user experience based on the application ease of use. U-Vid’ify will become the one stop marketplace for everyone in the global network.