Vantage Token (XVT)

Donations Tracked Down To The Transaction Level

Review Score
ICO Price
0.087177 USD
0.0005 ETH
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
35,000 ETH
Start Date
1 August 2018
End Date
15 September 2018

What is Vantage Token?

The Vantage Network is a Contribution Tracking Platform that enables donors to see exactly how the money they contribute to a fundraising campaign is spent, down to the transaction level. This level of visibility engenders donor confidence, building trust in nonprofits and ultimately yielding more money raised to help people in need.

Vantage Tokens (XVT) are a key component of the Vantage Network. A small percentage of every donation made via the Vantage Network is converted into XVT, which is utilized inside the platform to track how fundraising organizations spend the donations they receive.

The Vantage Network consists of a web portal that allows nonprofits to easily manage their fundraising campaigns and create donation points, a mobile payment application used by nonprofits to spend contributions, a blockchain platform that leverages XVT to track contributions and spending, a digital asset management platform that is used to operate the system and software APIs that integrate the various nodes to enable the tracking of fiat currency and generation of campaign analytics.

While Vantage Network is focused on applying blockchain technology to provide the benefits of transparency and accountability, its key feature is that it can be easily integrated into any current and future fundraising platforms. Donors can contribute money to nonprofits without having to first own cryptocurrency and can track their donations using a tracking ID, similar to tracking a package. Nonprofits can seamlessly track their spending without having to manage a digital wallet or convert funds they spend on goods and services from cryptocurrency to fiat. Any organization that wants to take online contributions will benefit from Vantage Network’s platform without passing complexity to its donors. Educational organizations, government entities, and other crowdfunding/fundraising platforms can easily implement the Vantage Network and gain the advantage of promoting their transparency and traceability to attract more donations.

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