Websser (WEBSS)

Worldwide Services Marketplace for Local Businesses

Review Score
ICO Price
0.037 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
Start Date
1 August 2024
End Date
31 August 2024

What is Websser?


Websser is an under-development application that addresses various challenges within a specific, yet vast, ecosystem. It’s important to emphasize that Websser is built upon successful business models like Amazon, Airbnb, and Uber. These industry giants serve as a perfect reference point for understanding the future of this remarkable startup.

Websser is a service provider marketplace with the aim of becoming an industry leader. How? By bringing together service providers from all professions, segments, and socioeconomic levels. It utilizes real-time geolocation to offer fast and convenient services. Furthermore, Websser will connect trusted providers with trustworthy customers, ensuring a secure two-way service (C2C). This fantastic application will oversee, rate, and analyze provider services with the goal of establishing pricing standards, ensuring quality, profiling, and conducting market analysis in the future.

The project is being developed in Mexico, a large country facing significant challenges, much like many others in Latin America and around the world. A substantial portion of the population requires assistance in improving their economic prospects and finding better-paying employment.

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