WeWillRugYou (WWRY)

A Revolutionary Movement Against the Injustices of the World

Review Score
ICO Price
0.0021 USD
Pre ICO Price
Soft Cap
Hard Cap
2777 SOL
Start Date
26 July 2024
End Date
28 July 2024

What is WeWillRugYou?


The WeWillRugYou coin isn’t just a revolutionary memecoin…

To take money from the rich and give it to those who truly need it. Driven by this noble vision, Pete travels the world, robbing banks and defying every danger. His ultimate dream?

To escape to Bora-Bora one day and live in peace.

Imagine being part of this thrilling journey. Imagine the feeling of fighting against injustice and making maximum profits along the way. Become a part of this success story and experience the exhilaration of making the impossible possible!

Every time before he strikes, he shouts loud and proud: “WeWillRugYou!” Because he is not alone. Behind him stands a community that shares his passion. All of you are by his side, all of you are part of this adventure.

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