What is Wixlar Coin ICO?
Wixlar is a Global Decentralized Digital Currency based on the BlockChain Technology which is instant, secure, private and with low fee transactions. With Wixlar coins, you can buy and sell products or services online and offline. Wixlar Group offers some of the latest advanced technological services through a Global Decentralized Network.
Wixlar is the only Digital Currency offering more than 12 Services to the public, individuals and companies. Wixlar TV: Wixlar TV Channel broadcasting live 24/7 with the latest news in business and technology.
Wixlar Wallets: Wixlar Coins are securely stored in your personal wallet on your computer, tablet, phone or laptop (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Paper Wallet). You can Download your wallet and immediately start sending and receiving payments with a click of a button.
Wixlar MasterCard: Wixlar offers a Global MasterCard to Wixlar Coins Holders in order to easily convert your Wixlar Coins into Dollars or Euros and withdraw them from any ATM anywhere in the world or even purchasing goods as a normal MasterCard. You will be able to apply for the Wixlar MasterCard after the launch of the Wixlar Coins.
Global Exchanges: Wixlar Coins can be exchanged into any other currency like $,€, £,¥.
Smart Contract: Create assets or shares for your own company or group.
Letter of Credit: Offering a secure balance for the buyers and the sellers.
Cloud Storage: Wixlar splits apart, encrypts and distributes your files.
E-Shop: Buy Technology Products from the Wixlar E-shop.
Academy: Providing the Materials and Researches with references.
Partners: Become a Partner by accepting Wixlar Coins as a payment method.
Lottery: Get lottery tickets on your dream Car, Yakht, Villa etc.
FreeLancing: Global online marketplace for freelancers offering services worldwide,
If you watch our website https://wixlar.com and especially on the Videos Section https://wixlar.com/videos/ and the Academy Section https://wixlar.com/academy/ then you will realize that we have been actively sponsoring and participating in major global events since August 2017 as well as already existing physical offices that invited and accommodated businessmen and companies from different parts of the world that will be partnering with Wixlar.
As far as the team, you can watch the professionalism of the introduction video and the high standard of individuals, financial advisors, lawyers, accountants, developers and merchants that are a part of Wixlar Group.