What is YuTu.Coin?
Our mission is to compensate YouTubers, specifically YouTube channel owners, for their contribution of content, in the form of cryptocurrency. A much smaller percentage of video publishers are currently eligible for monetization via YouTube’s various levels of partnership programs than ever before. This is contributing to an exodus of quality content generators from YouTube. Some are giving up producing new videos, to the dismay of their followers, and some are searching for new platforms that will justly compensate them for their efforts and reward them for the entertainment they bring into the lives of others. YuTü.Co.in offers a unique solution to this problem which bypasses traditional means of monetization, known as crypto-commoditization. YuTü.Co.in allows fans to directly contribute to YouTubers by means of “investing” in their favorite YouTube channels, with each participating channel represented by its own platform-specific crypto token. Channel owners registered with YuTü.Co.in will receive a dedicated portion of these tokens, which are generated similar to the classic “mining” method employed by all cryptocurrencies. These tokens can then be sold for our native cryptocurrency, YuTüCoin (YTC) (and later bitcoin and ether) on YuTü.Co.in’s in-house exchange, to fans or investors who see the “channel brand” of the YouTuber increasing in value in the future. The end result will be supplementary income generated for YouTube channel owners whose supporters or investors have registered with YuTü.Co.in and purchase their channel’s token. In addition, YuTü.Co.in will provide a platform-based homepage for each registered YouTuber where they can freely sell merchandise and communicate with their fan base in ways not provided by YouTube.